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It's Drums and Percussion all over again!

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Every time I consider myself retired as a performer, a great artist comes along asking me to play a few shows and/or record their new album.

In this case, it was talented songwriter and virtuosic pianist Sonia Kovalivker's new album (to be released later this year), impeccably produced by Juan Ignacio Serrano (a.k.a. "Juanito El Cantor"), with Brian Iele engineering, and Nicolás Pestarino's invaluable drum doctoring services.

The songs could not be more diverse: there are lyrics in three languages (in fact, all three in one song), and the widest stylistical palette, including Rock, Funk, Guajira, Murga, Jazz-Swing and Punk.

What a great way to end a fantastic year! (sessions lasted until December 30th)

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