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The Intermittent Drummer

I practically came out of retirement as an active instrumentalist to record "Lo Que Sí", the newest album by Sonia Kovalivker, which was recorded at the end of 2014 and just released... on YouTube! (click on the image to listen)

I had admired Sonia's talent as a songwriter, her dramatic turns as a vocalist, and her virtuosic piano abilities for quite some time, and we'd briefly rehearsed some of these songs in a totally different format years ago.

So, when she asked me to play on the album, it was hard to contain my enthusiasm... I had no idea what I was getting into!

The songs had changed: what were mostly piano ballads now had only sparse hints of a distant piano, and were rearranged in a myriad of styles, mostly guitar-based, by Sonia and maestro Juanito El Cantor, a gifted guitarist who was also the producer for the album.

This may be my last recorded performance, essentially because I'm having too much fun writing and producing. And also because, having been a more devoted practitioner of the athletics of the instrument, my self-criticism kills me! But then again... I've said this too many times already to take myself *that* seriously ;-)

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